The social art project about forest fires. 

The set was created using theatrical technology by a theater production designer. It was made of transparent plastic and paper. 

Initially, we planned to make it the size of a dollhouse, but then we realized it needed to be about six times bigger to allow the camera to fit in and make the necessary turn. 

The layers were intended to create a sense of dense forest and recede into the distance, producing a mysterious movement when the camera moved. Additionally, we worked on creating a smoky atmosphere for our forest.

It was crucial to select a paper density that would allow the flames to be visible through it while ensuring it wouldn't burn up completely during the first take.


The fire was completely natural.
And these shadows of people, birds, and squirrels were digital.

Client and creative: National priorities of Russia

Production: Spot

Producers: Valentina Zagibailova, Samat Yuzeev, Mikhail Marizov

Director: Sonya Dukhon

DOP: Vladimir Shiyan

Production designer: Vasilisa Kytyzova

Post-production producer: Alisa Yaroslavskaya

Music: Dima Malahov

CG: Vadim Kasse

Color: Evgeny Gvozdev